We all love being part of a team. Playing at a high level takes a lot of work and an intensity that can sometimes come with injury. Whether playing with a small injury, or being forced to sit out while allowing time for recovery, Bodywork Docs has the ability to keep you or your athlete in peak condition, and can speed healing and return to play using hands-on techniques and new technology applications. These techniques and healing are evidence-based. Some are covered by insurance (Osteopathic Manipulation and Rehab services at a partnered provider) and some are cash-based (Shockwave and Magnetic Therapy, and Injection Therapy).
Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) uses craniosacral therapy to speed recovery after a concussion, resulting in fewer symptoms and decreased severity, improving post-concussion sleep quality, and speeds improvement of visual memory and reaction time.
OMT has been found to decrease incidence of stress fractures in collegiate cross-country athletes when used in a preventative fashion, keeping the body in alignment so as not to favor one side over the other. OMT when combined with an exercise program when studied for patellofemoral pain syndrome (knee pain due to running) was found to increase functionality, decrease pressure on the plantar fascia, increase hamstring flexibility, and increase hip range of motion.
In semi-professional basketball players, routine OMT was found to increase vertical jump height and reach performance in two treatments one week apart.
In young professional football players, OMT was found to increase sit-and-reach length, improve postural control with eyes open, and improve dysfunctional movements of the spine in the neck and low back.
In immediate post-performance applications, OMT can significantly increase lactic acid clearance from muscles, decreasing soreness and maintaining the ability to perform anaerobic activity at the participant's current level.
Shockwave therapy alone can speed recovery from plantar fasciits, lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), and proximal hamstring tendinopathy. And when combined with exercise, speeds recovery from shin splints and osteitis pubis (pain on at the attachments of the muscles to the pelvis at the pubic bone. Shockwave can be used in-season as it typically requires minimal to no time away from sport with proper application and results in immediate increase in healing growth factors in the treatment area.
Magnetic therapy induces stem cell activation in bone marrow, speeding recovery from fractures and inducing regrowth of cartilage, as described in a previous blog post. Combined therapy with the shockwave and magnetic devices employed at our clinic even showed the ability to heal a medial meniscus injury!
As research continues to support the benefits of OMT, shockwave, and magnet therapy and new applications emerge, book today to enjoy faster recovery, injury prevention, more mobility, and less pain. OMT, shockwave, and magnet therapy are non-surgical procedures that are done in the outpatient setting and do not require anesthesia. They have no known side effects when treating musculoskeletal disorders and at times can help you avoid a surgical procedure.
You can conveniently book online at www.bodyworkdocs.com or call or text us at 203-651-5090, and our patient care specialist Christine will take care of you.